Dec 14, 2023

DIY~Lovely Decoupage Napkin Bird Ornament!~Easily Add Gold Foil!


Enjoy! I made this little decoupaged bird ornament out of paper napkins and other elements! Please click on the following link to see my full YouTube tutorial showing how I made this ornament.

Materials Needed:

*Unfinished Wooden Heart (Approx. 4 inches in width)
*FolkArt Multi-Surface Paint in "Wicker White."
*Spouncer (For painting)
*Napkin of your choice (See link below)
*Gold Foil Print Tissue Paper (Dollar Tree)
*Mod Podge Gloss (Dollar Tree)
*Gold Foil Flakes (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby in the mixed media art supply dept.)
*Chunky Iridescent Glitter (I bought the Recollection brand from Michael's, but it doesn't have to be that particular brand.)
*Extra-Fine Glitter (Recollection brand in "Champagne" from Michael's.)
*Small Water Spray Travel Bottle (Dollar Tree)
*Small Paintbrush and a Larger Paintbrush for dusting. (I used the make-up brushes from Dollar Tree.)
*Bail (Hobby Lobby)
*Red Organza Ribbon (Hobby Lobby in the Wedding Dept.)

Here is the link to where I purchased my bird napkins. The shipping is free on all purchases.